Wednesday, 30 December 2015

It is year-end already?!

And I am actually asking this question ... where did the year 2k15 go away? Its like years have stolen shoes from Usain Bolt and are in race with each other to see who finishes first!
Okay that maybe an exaggerated analogy... but my today’s topic is going to revolve around the year end.
I still remember the day when I jotted down the last blog entry for the year 2014. It was about New Year and nostalgia. But I am not feeling nostalgic this time. In fact, I am having a hard time in digesting the fact that year 2015 is about to end. Year end is always special for me, as I look forward for some sort of new start, every year! And this fact is eating me up.

I don’t have that special excitement in me anymore. But is the reason behind my dullness is that  I don’t have anything to look forward the coming year? Wrong! Next year is going to be really crucial as I am going to move to a new city.

So, does that mean year-end has no significance for me anymore?
Maybe! Well, to be honest, it is just the change of date and calendar. The first two months will simply pass wishing each other “happy new year” (even though we don’t mean it) and then the monotony will continue. Of course, we all are going to commit the mistake like this  “20156“ or the artistic one are going to overwrite the 5 with 6. Oh and how can I forgot the habit of checking out number of holidays we will be getting this year (btw 2016 has many long weekends). And please don’t get me started over resolution.

That is it! Nothing else! Then why do we all go gaga over new years? Is it because of holidays? New Year’s party? Hope of getting lucky when the clock struck 12 during new year’s night?(yup, I am a rom-com fan).

I guess I am slowly entering the mundane adult life, where there is no much hope left and even New Year means just the change of calendar! But then, while writing this whiny post, I have decided that I am not going to lose to my lethargic and complaining nature! I have to revamp myself and thus be more optimistic. Somehow I got my lost passion back, just with this little introspection.

New Year  remains charming as ever!

Friday, 25 December 2015

Dear Santa!

Dear Santa,

Here is the list of things I really want for Christmas!

·        Good health for my near and dear one (including myself!).
·        Inner peace for everyone who needs it.
·        Every person in this world should get the gift of expressing empathy.
·        Less interaction with gadget and more with people!
·        Eradication of hunger.
·        End of various wars.
·        Smile over everyone’s face!

So here’s my list...I know you would be thinking that I am being “Mr. Horribly Good”. But let me tell you one thing, I could have easily jotted down few things like a Ferrari or I-phone and what not. Obviously those things would have been materialistic. First of all, being materialistic in the world is not an issue, even I am! But never on Christmas!

For me, Christmas is all about giving to the needy and miracles! Those things which I want could be bought in near future if I really work hard and earn tons of money! But what about giving back to the humanity? If everyone would wish for the above list, I am sure Santa is going to grant them.
I would be waiting this Christmas, for Rudolf to drag that sleigh so that Santa can make my wish come true! And I really hope it will come true because it’s Christmas and miracles are always waiting to happen!

Dear readers, I wish you all a merry Christmas and happy holidays! Hope the coming year brings all the joy in the world for you!

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